More fotos is a selection  from the 101 shots I took with my 10 years-old Konica fix-lens camera

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From Tokyo to Kyoto through Hiroshima

Tokyo, day 1. Mehmet &Josef enjoying shushiya at Shinjuku. "Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. We didn't travel 12,000 miles to go to McDonald's isn't it?"

Gaimusho meeting, day 4. Again this Maltese guy, a girl, and Josef.

Hiroshima memorial park building. Meeting with host families, day 7. After losing the opportunity to sleep in Tokyo streets we arrived at Hiroshima. This people are ragging clapping.

 Mayuko showing diverse japanese sweets from a Toyota dealer. Isn't she sweet?

Kyoto, famous A-BAR (don't even try to look for it). Day 11.  Julien, Denis, and other participans endeavouring the study Japan-nigth-life in Kyoto.